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Oolong Tea and its benefits?Updated 2 years ago

Oolongs, too, are made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. The single oxidation step sets it apart from the blacks, whites, or greens. Oolongs fit between black and green teas by being partially oxidized. Its leaves are usually formed in one of two unique styles: rolling them long and curly or ‘wrap‐ curling’ the leaves into small bead‐like shapes, sometimes with a tail.

Drinking tea can do wonders for your health, and Oolong tea is no exception. This impressively healthy zero-calorie drink is a start to your weight loss program. Organic oolong tea is packed with alkaloids, including caffeine, that can boost your mental and physical well-being, increase serotonin production, and counter free radicals. So one smart way of burning calories is the regular consumption of oolong teas. In addition to this, organic oolong teas can help reduce the risk of heart attack and cancer.

Shop here - Oolong Tea

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