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Tea Information

Tea Know-How. Blends, Samplers, Varients and much more!

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Matcha - Japanese Premium Green Tea

The traditional cuisine of Japan

6 articles


Oolong Tea and its benefits?

Oolongs, too, are made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. The single oxidation step sets it apart from the blacks, whites, or greens. Oolongs fit between black and green teas by being partially oxidized. Its leaves are usually formed in one of two

Black Tea and its benefits?

Black teas are the most oxidized(aged) of all tea types. They undergo every step of tea processing from plucking, withering, rolling, oxidation, and drying. For fresh black teas, oxidation is a significant step as this is where the flavour of the tea

White Tea and its benefits?

Like almost all other teas, the white tea leaves come from the same Camellia sinensis plant. The name ‘white tea’ comes from the fine, silvery‐white hairs covering the plant's unopened buds. However, when brewed, the liquid tea is not white or transp

Green Tea and its benefits?

Green tea is the least oxidized or processed tea type. It is made from young tea leaves plucked towards the close of the flush or harvest season after producing white, oolong, and black teas. Although this tea originated in China, it is now widely cu

What is Muscatel?

The term "Muscatel" is a flavour note (Grapey taste profile) found in our Summer Flush Muscatel Teas.

Do you have decaffeinated Tea?

We have caffeine-free tea available; however, our teas are not decaffeinated as Tea Plant (Camellia Sinesis) contains caffeine!. Shop Caffeine-Free Teas here - Herbal Teas.

Teas from different Regions

We provide our customers with teas from Darjeeling, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, and Nilgiri. Here are some famous tea estates from where we procure the freshest leaves -. Jungpana, Margaret's Hope, Castleton, Makaibari, Samabeong

Weight Loss Teas

Green teas generally support weight loss and also have a couple of other health benefits! You could check out our entire line-up of teas dedicated to health benefits. You could try our Be LEAN - Weight Loss Herbal Tea which contains the following ing

Tea for Sleep and Relaxation.

Chamomile is widely thought to help people relax and fall asleep and thus, we have launched two Teas containing Chamomile!. Pure Chamomile and Organic Chamomile Green. You can sip the Organic Chamomile Green during the evening! It contains green tea