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The Beginner's Guide đŸŒ±

Welcome to Teabox!

About US

To know everything about us please visit our page using this URL - https://www.teabox.com/pages/about-usWe are geographically blessed as our operational facility is located only an hour's drive away from the fantastic tea gardens of Darjeeling. This

What are the teas we offer?

Countless types of teas are available in the world but we only offer you the best of Indian Teas including - Black Teas, White Teas, Green Teas, Oolongs, Tisane, Chai Teas and many more!

Glossary of Terms

Acidic:  A sour and tart taste to the tea. Aroma: The odour of the tea. A complex aroma is often described as a bouquet. Astringent: A bold, pungent sensation due to the tannins in the tea that linger on the tongue. Baggy: An undesirable taint someti

What are Flushes and which flush should I buy?

Experience the nuanced beauty of tea through its three major Flushes – Spring (1st Flush), Summer (2nd Flush), and Autumn Flush, complemented by two unique in-between Flushes: Monsoon and Winter. Each flush unveils a distinct tapestry of taste, aroma

Recommendation for Beginners

We recommend our Beginners Sampler, which provides a 10 gm loose-leaf sampler pack of 10 different Indian Teas! You could also try some of our Autumn Flush Teas!